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You Are Not Alone: Why Asking for Help is Your Secret Power

community & support May 19, 2024

We're constantly told to be strong, independent, and handle everything ourselves. But what if that's actually holding us back?


I can personally vouch for this. For years, I struggled with the "I can do it myself" mentality. But what if asking for help wasn't a sign of weakness, but of strength? What if being authentic and vulnerable is where true power lies?

Consider this: by asking for help, you can achieve your goals faster, more effectively, and with less burnout. Instead of a slow, frustrating journey filled with mistakes, isolation, and exhaustion, imagine feeling inspired and supported.

Let's be honest, none of us are truly exceptions. Even as I write this, I recognize areas where I still struggle to ask for help.


Here's the shift:

Asking for help is a sign of power and progress. Together, we can accomplish so much more, in less time, and with better results. This applies to everything from one-on-one situations to group settings.


My Challenge to You:

For the next 12 weeks (until the end of summer), I challenge you to pick one area where you want to see a breakthrough. What if you can have everything you want? Then, take the leap and ask for help!



Here are some resources to support you:


The Steps to Take:

  1. Know What You Want: Start by getting clear on your goal or desired outcome.
  2. Be Honest: State your current situation without judgment.
  3. Ask for Help: Don't be afraid to reach out for the support you need.


Imagine what your life can be in 3 months...

Let's Do it, Together! You've got this. You have the Power!


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