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Is is time for a cleanse yet?

food & nutrition Jul 13, 2024

Nadya here, to help you decide whether or not it’s time for a cleanse.


The body is designed to be self-cleaning and to excrete toxins, but here’s the problem…. It can’t always handle the toxic overload present in today’s environment. Chemicals not excreted accumulate in our fat cells and cell membranes become internal toxins. These toxins corrode the body from the inside out, making it harder to lose weight, have more energy or feel good in your body.



So what is a cleanse?

A cleanse is a gentle way of clearing excess toxins from the body so it can operate at it’s highest potential. Think of a cleanse as something that delivers an all access pass to boundless reserves of energy that you didn’t know you had! You’ll find that every part of your body works better simply by “switching on” your metabolism through cleansing.

My clients find that cleansing helps them:
• Shed excess weight (especially belly fat), from 5 to 7 lbs in 5 days
• Boost energy
• Feel lighter and cleaner
• Decrease cravings including sugar
• Experience deeper sleep and clearer skin
• Improve your digestion (less gas and bloating)
• Decrease congestion and allergy symptoms
• Create healthy habits that enliven you


How will I know if it’s time for me to cleanse?

Glad you asked! It’s time for you to cleanse if answer “YES” to any of these questions:
• You get bloated after eating
• You tend to gain weight easily, especially in your belly
• You have extra pounds that won’t come off with diet and exercise
• You have headaches more than occasionally
• You frequently belch or feel gassy or gurgling in your belly
• You tend to feel lethargic during the day
• You have cravings for sugar or starchy foods
• You experience mood swings or anxiety
• You have difficulty focusing or experience foggy brain
• You have allergies or hayfever
• You experience pain, muscle achiness, or stiffness in your joints
• You feel addicted to foods that you know aren’t good for you... and yet you can’t stop
• You feel anxious, upset, nervous, or downright cranky


What do I do now?

In my coaching practice, I lead my clients through a detailed, step-by-step 7-Day Cleanse, complete with cleansing menus, recipes and daily guidelines. Here is the overview.

If you answered “YES” to any of the symptoms above, then connect with me and let's talk. I’ll help you decide whether or not to cleanse, and if cleansing is right for you I’ll show you how to get started. 

Let's chat for a few min

and discover if I can be of support for you to break through pain, overwhelm, and overweight into strength, balance, and power.

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