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Feel tired? Need to reset?

mindset & mindfulness Jul 24, 2022

I am tired. I feel done. Emotionally.  Mentally. Physically.  I wanna cry. I want to crawl under the blanket and not be. I don't want to do anything.  I want to stop and maybe even leave the Earth. Maybe for a while. I am just tired!!


Any of those words resonate with you? Maybe just sometimes but you still hear yourself thinking that?


 If yes, the following message is for you and I. 

I certainly do. Yesterday was the day. After co-teaching the "Connect with Your Teen" webinar, I sat down and almost cried. I noticed how emotionally charged the topic was for me. I have 14 and 17 year old kids. I noticed how tired I felt. Felt like tired from life. Tired from performing, from thoughts of not performing, from going millions of miles an hour non-stop for years.

Don't we all want to stop and just breathe sometime? I mean, relax and embrace the peace. Feel quiet, feel the moment, feel like this moment is still and in stillness comes peace, happiness, and fulfillment of love?

As I sit in the comfy chair pondering, I turn into my own inner wisdom and I ask myself a question: 

How do I keep peace, energy, and excitement in daily life so I don't have to collapse, hide under a blanket, reset, and stop the earth to rest?

Is there a simple structure I can follow to keep my energy and motivation ongoingly?


Here is the deal:

'Where your mind goes, your body will follow." - Arnold Schwarzenegger said.

"Where your body goes, your mind will follow." - I add.

It's a two-way street.

Let's make it a habit to go in the right direction. 


And the direction is only up the mountain.  It's a hilly mountain but the direction is still up.

Here are some simple but profound steps to practice every day.

  1. Dream. Let's not give up on our dreams. Let's dream every day. What is your ideal day? What is your ideal life? When do you want this to happen?  
  2. Set Goals. Now, as you have clarity of your dream, lets make it into a plan. I write my life plan and revisit it every 6 months. I also break my life plan down into 5 years from now, 3, 1, and so on to the monthly, weekly and daily goals, all the way to "what's my main focus of today to step in the right direction?"  
  3. Follow your daily activities. When you have your activities written down and prioritized, your only thing to do is to do them. To help you stay on track, keep the daily habit tracker handy to check off your list. It feels good to acknowledge an accomplished action. 

And lets not forget the power of support. A spouse, a buddy, an accountability partner, a Tribe,  a coach are great as part of your support system to help you keep going.


4. Daily love, baby 👶 💕 I say, Love your body through daily choices. What are the things you can do for yourself daily to love yourself? Choose at least one activity a day. What do you like? What makes you tickle?

Some ideas are: 

Setting a 5-min alarm before lunch time and doing a crazy boogy dance.

Taking a non-regular walk route.

Looking at the mirror and saying "I love you" out loud.

Adopting a pet.

A salt bath to relax and detox.

Having a deep conversation with a friend. 

Watching a comedy show?

Honestly, we all have times of feeling tired and being done. And… to keep our energy flow going, let's keep our dreams alive, have clear goals, follow the plan, ask for support, and take time to love our bodies and souls. 

This simple system will help us build strength, health, peace and happiness. 


The world needs us to be strong and happy. And it's worth it.

If you need more of this message, schedule time with me to talk or choose any of the upcoming events to plug in. 

You don't have to be alone.  Let's be together!


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