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Why Do Some Succeed While Others Struggle? Finding Support on Your Solo Wellness Journey


We all crave happiness, that's a given. We chase it through countless efforts, yet some of us reach that blissful state seemingly easier than others. Why the disparity? A few weeks ago, we discussed the importance of taking action, but today, I want to highlight the crucial role of support in your journey, especially at the beginning.


 If you'd rather watch, here is an 11-min video I recorded a while ago. 


Studies show that our success rate doubles when we have others cheering us on. So, let's see if any of this resonates with you (remember, no judgment, just curiosity).


Where Do You Find Yourself?

Scenario 1: You dream of starting your wellness journey, but before you even begin, your spouse throws cold water on it. Sarcastic comments, doubts about your past "failures" – all drain your motivation before you even take the first step. Sound familiar?

Scenario 2: You've committed, you're making progress, but your family doesn't get it. They guilt you for spending time on self-care, making you feel like you're fighting the world alone. I hear you, trust me! It's a struggle I know far too well.

Scenario 3: You're single or empty nester, navigating your wellness journey solo. While you crave support, building a new social circle can feel daunting. You might even question if achieving your goals is possible without a cheering squad. Is that where you find yourself?

In these situations, giving up might seem like the easier option. I wrote the entire segment on it in My Power Journal. After all, these are your loved ones, or the lack thereof feels like a hurdle itself. But here's the thing: the absence of traditional support doesn't define your journey. Your truth is your truth, and you have the power to build your own support system.


Think of it like starting a business solo. You wouldn't let the lack of immediate investors stop you from pursuing your dream, right? You have a vision, a plan, and the determination to keep going. Approach your health and well-being with the same tenacity.

So, how do we navigate this lack of traditional support, whether single or facing unsupportive relationships?


The most important truth: 

Everyone is on their own journey. Love them anyway, but allow them to be where they are. Build your path with these three truths. They are a beautiful flow of the Wellness Vortex.


Truth 1: Seek Clarity

 Be crystal clear about your "why" – what you want, why you want it, and how you'll achieve it. Remember, when you embark on a bold vision, you need to believe in it before others do.


Truth 2: Find Your Community

 This doesn't solely mean family and friends. Explore online communities, fitness groups, workshops, or even hire a coach. Join our Power Club. Hire me. You probably know the expression: you become an average of five people you spend the most time with.

Surround yourself with individuals who embody your desired habits and beliefs. Their unwavering support strengthens your own.


Truth 3: Generate Courage

 Stand firm in your truth, develop the "courage muscle," and leverage your chosen community for support. Remember, non-supporters can make you bitter or better, but not both. Choose the latter.

"Courage is love with wisdom."


Love yourself through the journey, honor your "why," and remember, you're not alone. 

Build your support system, seek clarity, and generate courage. With these steps, you'll flow effortlessly in the Wellness Vortex towards your goals.


Need help building healthy habits like mindfulness, mindful eating, and fitness? 

Let's chat! Your well-being matters, and together, we can boost your "flow" in the Wellness Vortex.


Yours in wellness,


P.S. Share this post with someone who might need a supportive nudge on their wellness journey, regardless of their situation!


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