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Discover the Power of Proper Posture

fitness & movement Aug 04, 2024

By mastering proper posture and functional movement, you'll unlock a world of potential: increased strength, heightened body awareness, and newfound confidence.

These are the two most important non-negotiable habits of the fitness & movement pillar of health for a healthy and fit lifestyle.


Stop wasting money on gym memberships!

The fitness industry has misled us into believing that hitting the gym is the only path to wellness. Our ancestors were fit without gyms! They moved naturally through daily activities like hunting, gathering, and gardening. Read "The Blue Zones of Happiness" book. While some of these activities are still relevant, others aren't so much.

What can we do?


The Solution: Back to Basics!

Before diving into intense workouts, focus on building a strong foundation. These are the levels of developing movement as a habitual way of being vs. just a desired behavior we keep talking about it.


Hierarchy of Conscious Fitness:

Step 1. Move more: Cultivate curiosity about your body and how it moves. Check out this blog post on creative ways to hit your daily step goal. Besides, being active is a great way to tap into burning additional calories (10-30% of daily energy expenditure); thus, to lose weight! 

Step 2. Master your posture: Align your body for optimal function and well-being. Proper posture is an absolute key to physical strength and body and mind confidence. Check out the Proper Posture course!

Step 3. Focus on functional movement: Learn how to move efficiently and properly in everyday life. The seven foundational moves (pull, push, bent, twist, squat, lunge, gait) with the harmony with gravity are the key to building longevity of strong and vital body. Check out the Proper Posture course!

Step 4. Incorporate formal fitness: Start with functional exercises to build strength. Use the knowledge of functional movement biomechanics and incorporate it into the formal fitness. That is why I love functional fitness! It simply teaches our bodies muscle memory to move properly in daily lives; thus, it helps preven injuries. 

Step 5. Personalize and enjoy: Make fitness fun! Behaviour rewarded - behaviour repeated. Check out this blog post on how to have fun with fitness. Incorporate any other formal fitness modalities that you enjoy and that help you develop towards your goals.



By consistently practicing these steps, you'll develop a deep appreciation for movement and a love for how it makes you feel. These habits will become second nature, leading to increased strength, balance, confidence, and injury prevention.

Be active, be intentional on your posture and body movement, have fun with it!

And that is, my friends, how you live fitness as a lifestyle


My invitation to you:

Let me share my six years of professional fitness journey to help you build a strong, confident, and healthy body. "Proper Posture" Course is finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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and discover if I can be of support for you to break through pain, overwhelm, and overweight into strength, balance, and power.

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