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Roadblocks to Happiness: Are You Making These Mistakes?

mindset & mindfulness May 26, 2024

Why some people just look happy and some just don't smile? Why while we may have the same living conditions, one person seems happy and the other is not? And in addition, the happier person kinda does look more successful in life in general - relationships, money, career success? What's different between two similar people?


What if the difference is how we choose to generate happiness moment by moment? I say:

Want it? Generate it!

What if happy people just built a habit generating happiness?


So what mistakes do we do that prevent us from happiness and tips to generate happiness habits:

  • Mistake 1. Ruminating in negative thoughts too long. Negative thoughts are good for us, for a short period of time. But when we take hours, days, weeks, even years, those thoughts become beliefs that don't serve us. Moreover, they underline our chronic stress condition.

    I say, transformation is not about a change. It's about a choice. One step at a time. Choose happiness and peace.

  • Mistake 2. Ignoring evening and morning routine. We stay up late, maybe catching up on things trying to squeeze into a day as much as we can. Lack of sleep. Wake up and grab our cell phone. We go to bed and can't fall asleep. So many thoughts and things to do. Have you even noticed the intensity of your dreams? Dreams may tell us how we are doing emotionally during the day or currently in life. Waking up with a cell phone in hands puts someone else's agenda into your mind. And boom, anxiety is back. The Miracle Book states, "How we start your morning is how you live your day plus is how you live your life."

    Thus, live your life by starting your day with a morning routine.

  • Mistake 3. Not connecting food and exercise with emotional happiness. Somehow we separate these two major pillars of physical health from personal happiness. Why do we think we can eat junk food and expect to be happy? We might be happy for the first few minutes (because of the happiness hormone release), but guilty and even more unhappy afterwards. Why do we keep talking about exercising and not doing anything about it? Guilt again. This vicious cycle repeats day after day and becomes a habit. Yes, doing the wrong thing, feeling guilty, doing it again is a habit. Habit is familiar and we keep doing it.

    What if we eat how we want to feel? What if, as Tony Robbins says, "Wanna change emotion, change your motion"? What if we help our emotional happiness with how we physically feed and move our bodies? Eat and move how you want to feel. It especially helps on hard days.


There's more to say, but today I feel just focus on these, we can be tremendously happier!


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