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Celebrating 21 Years & Embracing Confidence!

about nadya tatsch Jun 23, 2024

Happy Sunday!

I'm closing out a celebratory three-month season with a final personal milestone: today marks 21 years since I came to the U.S.


Looking back,

my personal transformation stands out the most. I went from being a very shy child and young adult (still one to think before I speak!) to someone willing to speak up and confidently teaching others. In fact, I've gone from having limited knowledge of physical health to actively practicing, coaching, and training others. That's the power of practicing confidence, my friends!

Sure, I still get shy sometimes, and thoughts can creep in, but I don't let them rule me. I act my best, knowing this journey continuously shapes me into a confident and competent individual.


Another highlight is the tenacity I've developed.

I've fiercely (some might say ferociously!) grown my business from claiming my independence to now coaching others on wellness and business growth. I'm also building my team of wellness ambassadors so we can create a bigger impact together! Ask me how if interested. 

Coaching from a stage, public speaking, being featured on a top Health and Fitness Magazine cover (top 5!), and being named a Top 15 Coach in Dallas by Influence Digest – all that, my friends, in a second language! All that from being a super shy, unconfident kid.


Today, I'm not just bragging (it is my anniversary, after all! ;-)), but also encouraging you to embrace courage.


On a self-care level,

I've finally tuned in my non-negotiable health routine and no longer feel guilty for sticking to it. I've learned to say "no" politely and hold firm to my time boundaries. Sleep is still a work in progress (7,5-8 hours instead of 8.5), but progress is progress!


There's more to share, but for now, I encourage everyone to take just one Baby Step at a time. Maybe it's a tiny habit you know will make a big difference. What is it?


And that's where, my friends, I can truly shine as your coach: The Ultimate Transformation

This is the core and the spotlight program at Coaching By Nadya: guiding you to tune into your wellness non-negotiables.

Here's how The Ultimate Transformation Program works:

By laser-focusing on 20 non-negotiable self-care habits in three key areas (mindset, nutrition, and fitness), you'll inevitably create a powerful ripple effect in other areas of life. With the support of a supportive group and myself as your coach, you'll be unstoppable!

Remember, it's always better together! 


Ready to commit to yourself for 6 months and achieve real change? Check out more details and apply for the Group Ultimate Transformation HERE.


And if there's anything I can do to help you find your best physical and mental wellness, or help your wellness business blossom, please reach out!



You have the power! Embrace courage! Tune into your non-negotiables! Blossom for the World!


Yours truly, Nadya


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