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Three Powerful Lessons from My Course Creation Journey


  I want to share three valuable business lessons I learned while creating my Posture Mastery Course.

These lessons can help you achieve your goals, regardless of your industry or profession.


Lesson 1: It's Never Too Late

One of the biggest misconceptions is that it's too late to start something new. Let me tell you, that's simply not true. I became a fitness trainer at 42, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Remember, it's never too late to pursue your passions and make a difference. Just start small and take consistent steps towards your goals. Baby steps!


Lesson 2: Overcome Your Inner Critic

We all have that negative voice in our heads that doubts our abilities and holds us back. It's important to recognize this voice for what it is: a survival mechanism that's trying to protect us.

Instead of letting it hold you back, acknowledge its presence and choose to ignore it. Focus on your goals (there are just stepping-stones) and take action despite your fears. 


Lesson 3: Mistakes Are Opportunities for Growth

Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Instead of dwelling on them, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Each mistake is a lesson. It can be turned into either be gift or opportunity, and if not, just breathe and let go.

I made countless mistakes while creating my course, from mispronouncing words to technical difficulties. But instead of letting them discourage me, I learned from them and became a better instructor.



I hope these three lessons inspire you to pursue your goals, overcome your fears, and embrace the learning process. Remember, it's never too late to start, and mistakes are simply stepping-stones to success. Chose gift, opportunity, or let go. And go to bed just a little big 'bigger and stronger" than you woke up. 


Thank you everyone who swiped the Proper Posture course deal! It has been the most successful program by far! The course is now available via the Functional Fitness Page on my website.


To your strength, balance, confidence, and Power!!!! 

Yours, Nadya

P.S. If you still like to enroll in the Proper Posture Course, here is the link.



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