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Hello, My Name is Nadya

about nadya tatsch Aug 13, 2022

Allow me to re-introduce myself. In this message I want to share what I truly value, in my life and my business. 

The bottom line is that I truly want the World to be The place for us to live and enjoy. Enjoy our experiences, enjoy each other, enjoy safety, enjoy life! 

 I believe that this is possible when we are internally happy. 

This fuels my passion to wake up in the morning and make small tiny steps towards my goals. I do it by having conversations and sessions with my clients during business hours. I also do it while talking with my children.  I also do my best to live what I teach, to walk my talk. 


I believe that creating a ripple effect is a thing. My heart longs for health; physical, emotional, mental. My soul leaps to fill myself and others with the light of happiness. 

I believe in peace for our world. I believe it is possible because each one of us owns the potential for internal happiness. 


I channeled my passion into my mission of helping busy profes...

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Love Yourself through Food


I eat because I love. And I am a lazy cook.


I often get asked what and how I eat.  As I sat down to journal my reflection, allow me to share with you my current meal situation.


I start prepping my meal when I am about 30% hungry. 

To prep, I ask myself, how can I feed my body with love? What can I make to nourish my body? 

On days I feel a lack of energy, what can I make to lift my energy?

On days I feel down, what can I eat to feel good?

When I am tired, what can I eat to relax?


I make my meal accordingly.  I cook like I would feed someone I love. 

Hey, I am still on my way. I still sometimes struggle to give myself time to cook. I do not want to stand in the kitchen and cook!


So I prep.

I find the time on the weekend to pre-cook for the week. I prep the foods that may take time. On some weeks, I make brown rice, on some, red potatoes. I may even chop veggies and place them into Single serving containers. I am also not shy about buying a bulk of frozen v...

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Feel tired? Need to reset?

mindset & mindfulness Jul 24, 2022

I am tired. I feel done. Emotionally.  Mentally. Physically.  I wanna cry. I want to crawl under the blanket and not be. I don't want to do anything.  I want to stop and maybe even leave the Earth. Maybe for a while. I am just tired!!


Any of those words resonate with you? Maybe just sometimes but you still hear yourself thinking that?


 If yes, the following message is for you and I. 

I certainly do. Yesterday was the day. After co-teaching the "Connect with Your Teen" webinar, I sat down and almost cried. I noticed how emotionally charged the topic was for me. I have 14 and 17 year old kids. I noticed how tired I felt. Felt like tired from life. Tired from performing, from thoughts of not performing, from going millions of miles an hour non-stop for years.

Don't we all want to stop and just breathe sometime? I mean, relax and embrace the peace. Feel quiet, feel the moment, feel like this moment is still and in stillness comes peace, happiness, and fulfillment of love?

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Feeling stuck?

In this message, I will share with you what to do when you feel stuck. 


Where do you feel stuck? In health?  In weight loss? In a vicious cycle of pain? In negative thoughts? In life?

In fact, I have been feeling stuck thinking what to write for this Sunday reflection and this theme felt quite appropriate. 


So if you are feeling stuck, let's try these steps.


Step 1. Identify where you are stuck. 

Use curiosity.  In fact, in our Masterclass we used the term Curiosity Goggles. Just be curious and simply observe to yourself without judgement using this format: "isn't it interesting that I feel stuck ….(name it). What I really want is …. (name it)."

Stand back and be curious about this "stuck" state. Reflect on what are you doing, thinking and feeling. It's important to identify all three.


Step 2. Acknowledge

and be ok with what's so. No blame, no shame, no right or wrong. It is just what's so. We often want to blame and bully ourselves with negative thinking.  But it ...

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Feel into Freedom

mindset & mindfulness Jul 03, 2022

Where Do You Feel Stuck In The Body?


In this reflection, I want to introduce you to a concept called gut wisdom. There is an intelligence in your gut. Everyone has gut wisdom. We’re tapping into our natural intuition here. Intuition is trusting in what we already know to be true.

We have been taught not to trust this wisdom. We’ve been taught to outsource our intuition and doubt our own, but the truth is that you are your own best health expert. You are the authority on what your body needs. When we tap into this gut wisdom, we learn how to take care of ourselves. My intention is to help you listen to that gut wisdom. Have you ever heard people say, ‘Listen to your gut?’ That’s what we’re talking about with gut wisdom.


Would you like to connect to your body's wisdom? 

I call it Releasing Personal Power...

Let’s begin.

Step 1. Listen to your body. Breathe... 

We’ll connect to our gut using the breath. We’re going to get into an optimal healing state. When we are relaxed our...

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How to Break the Cycle of Pain

Hi {{ first_name }},

In this message, we'll talk about types of pain, the causes of pain, and five steps to breaking the pain cycle.

Do you know someone who is in pain? Maybe it is you.

Have you found that when we experience pain, it's really hard to say Yes to many things such as exercising, being active with your grandchildren, and even eating healthier?


We do want to be stronger, feel less inflamed, have more energy, and just simply feel better. We have all positive intentions of doing good but pain cuts into all our good efforts. 

How do we handle pain? Precisely, how do we break the vicious cycle of pain?

If you or you know someone who is experiencing pain, please keep reading. This message may be just the life and happiness saver they need!

The most important foundational step to breaking the cycle of discomfort is to tune into your body and to have two-way communication. 

Btw, what kind of pain are we talking about?
Physical pain (when your body is inflamed or misa

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Exercise: 5 Things to Stop Doing and 5 Things to Start Doing Instead

fitness & movement Jun 20, 2022

Below are the five things that I see most of us do without knowing of a better way. I get these questions very often, so allow me to explain.


5 Things to Stop Doing and 5 Things to Start Doing Instead


  1. Stop crunches for losing belly fat. Instead, do full body strength workouts. Focus on functional movement. The body loses weight evenly, not just in the place, like your belly, where you do resistance, like crunches. Doing full body workouts tones your muscles; the muscles will burn more body fat, even at rest. Another benefit of a full body workout is building your strength. 


  1. Stop sweating for an hour and pushing too hard each time you workout. Instead, get into the habit of moving your body daily, 20-30 minutes.

Sweating hard for an hour breaks down your muscles and drains energy so much that you risk injuring yourself and being sore, or you may even get sick so you can't workout for 2-4 days. Instead, do a 20-30 minute daily full body workout. Take a break for on...

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Father's Love

Today, I had this urge to really reflect on the impact my dad has had in my life.

He's not one to chat away, but when he does speak up, you know he means every single word. He's never been the type to say those three little words, "I love you," out loud, but somehow, deep down, I've always known it to be true.

Ever since I moved to the US way back in 2003, I've made it a point to visit my parents every year. I can vividly remember walking into the room and finding my dad engrossed in watching European football. Without hesitation, I would plop down next to him on the sofa and naturally get caught up in the excitement, cheering right alongside him. Those moments created such a special bond between us that I'll forever hold close to my heart.

Let me tell you, my dad has a thing for bread. To him, a meal just isn't complete without a hearty loaf of bread. He'd always say, "You can't call it a meal if there's no bread." And you know what? To this day, I still find so much joy in ind...

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Discover How to Build Strength Through Fitness

fitness & movement Jun 13, 2022

Does this picture remind you your posture?

 I am curious if you already seating up straight. :-)


How do we achieve physical strength? 

How do we prevent or fully recover from injuries?

How shall we exercise so we can benefit by feeling confident and strong in daily life?


In my recent video I talk about two major elements of building your body’s strength inside out: functional movement and re-aligning your body via corrective exercise.



Corrective Exercise

is a technique that leverages an understanding of anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics to address and fix movement compensations and imbalances to improve the overall quality of movement during workouts and in everyday life.


Corrective Exercise is used to help assess and determine the root cause of imbalances and faulty movement patterns that lead to issues with posture, balance, and total body coordination. It is achieved through a human movement assessment. If you like to have one done for you, schedule yo...

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about nadya tatsch Jun 12, 2022

I look up
So you can see me.

I stand on my toes
So you can find me.

I lift my arms up
So you can grab me.


I jump…
So you can catch me?

You carry me high
And I can see.
The bird view eye.

How far I've come.
And created to be.


Who are you?
Being so brave
Carrying me all this time.


I look into your eyes,
And the air stands still.

My heart is full
With blindness I have been.

Who are you,
Carrying me all alone?


How did I not
Know you?
How did I not
See Me?


All along.
All this time.
To be my self.
To lift me up.
To fill me strong.
To pull me high.
To live my best.


Let's fly!


- Nadya Nemova-Tatsch

June 11, 2022


The reason I am sharing my poem with you, besides that it's my birthday, is to inspire all of us to act. 

Imagine yourself five years from now,  powerful and living life on your terms. Imagine this powerful you is helping you now. She/He is holding your hand and walking you through challenges and struggles carrying the knowing of what is truth and what the future h...

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