Wouldn't It be nice to be energetic and positive most of the time? Wouldn't it be good to wake up in the morning feeling positive?
Instead, we hit the snooze button, maybe thinking about the daunting day ahead of us.
We do this day after day, week after week, month after month, and the years go by. We feel worthless and lacking. We blame ourselves and give up.
Yet we do want a better, happier life and healthier stronger body.
So once again, I want to reflect on my personal experience. When I wake up in the morning on most days, don’t ask me questions, don’t talk to me, don’t try to engage me in anything. I don't wanna talk. I don't wanna smile, I think. I don't wanna be active. I just want quiet.
And yet you do know me as a bundle of energy, enthusiasm and positivity, right?
Where do I get that if I don't wake up feeli...
As I was prepping my breakfast (eggs, toast, swiss cheese with beetroot leaves), I contemplated what was important to me. I am, after all, past 40...actually 44.
So let's talk about what's important for those of us who are over 40, 50, 60, and even wiser.
I wonder if my thoughts resonate with yours.
I would like to hear 5 major areas you can think of for a Healthy After 40 topic, which I will be teaching on March 24th, 10:30 AM CT. Click here to let me know.
I feel at this stage we evaluate what works and what doesn't. We make certain changes to remove stress and unnecessary relationships. We often start new passion businesses or find other ways to take on new challenges or find other ways of adding income or meaning to our lives. We may start looking seriously at opportunities to grow wealth.
I am sure HEALTH is at or near the top of the priorities list for 40+.
We are buuuusy. Life can become overwhelming. We might be taking care of elderly family members. We meet the needs of our spouses and families. We prioritize our jobs to build wealth and provide for ourselves and others. We do a loooot of things! It feels like juggling 10 balls in one hand. I hear you; I have often felt that too.
I think we all understand that we tend to take care of other people and outside responsibilities before we take care of ourselves. We know that often we simply don't prioritize self-care. We know we are not putting our oxygen masks on first. We know this isn't healthy for us. We feel like we should know and somehow do better! We know what we SHOULD be doing, don't we? BUT we are just too busy and overwhelmed to make it happen
Do we often feel that if we start with our own self-care first, we are somehow failing others? The emotion comes from the pit of the stomach telling us we must take care of them first. We blame ourselves for not taking care o...
"My mood and intention to make healthy choices have changed a great deal…
I choose happiness."
Susan was having trouble with a lot of pain. She had bad migraines. Susan says: They're pretty much daily and I was really feeling beaten down. I was very depressed and wasn't able to work much. I would eat anything quick and easy, mainly fast-food delivery.
In October 2022, Susan heard me speak at an online meeting. We met one-on-one to get to know each other. Susan was ready to change her health and her mindset.
She joined the Transformation Club, subscription service for $35 a month, the most basic self-paced level. She needed something inexpensive to get started with.
First, Susan used the Club program to guide her to adopt healthier choices one step at a time.
Second, she joined our monthly training and our book club, where we support each ot...
The holidays are behind us. I said it last week, but today it's really truly clear and unquestionable. We are definitely looking at what's ahead of us. We need to move forward. We need to get started on those New Year resolutions and goals. We just gotta go.
I am curious.. Where do you find yourself today?
Are you still feeling like waking up from holidays and taking it slow and easy? Are you still in planning and strategizing mode?
Maybe you already talking about your goals but have not yet made that first action. Maybe you are talking about it with other people in order to find guidance, support, or help. You may feel some anxiousness and uncertainty.
Maybe you went on vacation and just relaxed and enjoyed yourself. :-)
Some of us are already in action! Is that you? You have done your planning and hit the ground running. You are rocking your actions and well on the way to realizing your goals. You are excited for this year. This year is gonna be your best yet...
Holidays behind us.
In my family of origin, we wait for an Old New Year, which is on the January 14th, to undecorate from holidays. If you don't know what Old New Year is, Google it. I think in my culture we allow 2 weeks after January 1 to still be in the holiday spirit because we actually quietly want to not let holiday spirit go. :-)
Yesterday I taught the Vision Board Workshop. (Want recording? Join the club and listen to a replay or take a self-paced course here.) It was the last event devoted to holidays. This is it.
Sometimes our New Year resolutions all of the sudden don't have the same charge of excitement.
The third week of January may be filled with, "I don't want to’s". We know we have to go back to our busy lives and work. We also know we want to do the actions we set our commitment towards. We know it all starts now. No more waiting for after the holida...
May this year bring you motivation and inspiration to keep going, to not stop, to let your heart lead the journey to the life you really desire.
Health and Happiness
But, wait! Have you reflected and let go of 2022 or are you still carrying its weight?
Struggles, challenges, things that didn't work? When we do that, we carry our old burdens and habits into the new year. Isn’t there a better way? An opportunity for something fresh, upgraded, and new?
Are you open to reflecting with me and letting 2022 go? If so, grab your journal and keep reading.
Allow me to walk you through the steps that I taught on my group accountability call. And after you are done with your reflection and want more or are ready to jump into our group, now is the time. We are starting this week. Apply here now.
List 5 celebrations in 2022.
List 5 challenges in 2022.
Have the last few weeks been crazy weeks?
Have you missed most of your scheduled exercise due to family in town?
Been traveling yourself and off your normal routine?
I am sensing many of us are dealing with these kinds of challenges, is that right?
As a result, we might be sleeping less and are otherwise off schedule. Our eating might be off the charts: more sugar, more starch, more alcohol. Our exercise pattern may sporadic or non-existent.
And on top of it, the relationships and emotions around family members together make it more challenging.
Don't get us wrong. We looove holidays and the holiday spirit. We love family all together and around us. We love spending time around holidays.
And what if some of us are not with families at all? What if some us are alone? What if holiday time brings memories of sadness? This is an emotional challenge of itself.
Which one out of three are you today?
Are you just like me: Christmas shopping, working, family, and building your plans to finish 2022 and jump-start 2023 and feeling overloaded with tasks to do?
Or you might be not even into holidays, not thinking, no prepping, no holiday shopping. Just taking one day at a time.
Or maybe you are jumping into important New Year solutions and starting now? Why wait, right?
Whatever situation you find yourself in, I feel I want to bring our intention to compassion. First of all, for ourselves. In the last few years, we have been going through a rough patch that has been challenging us on many levels: emotional, financial, and relationship. It's been hard.
Let's allow to be easy on ourselves.
Step 1.
So take a deep breath in and a deep long breath out.
Breathe in self-compassion. Breathe out tension.
Breathe in self-...
I am thankful for my life's journey;
For the years I have lived.
I am thankful for the spirit
I choose in a moment.
I am thankful for the sunrise
To remind me to breathe and smile.
I am thankful for the fresh air
To swallow life and space.
I am thankful for the first sip of morning coffee
That helps me be present in the moment.
I close my eyes and feel... life.
I am thankful for the morning workout sweat
With tired but laughter with all at the end.
I am thankful for the energy produced
To live my day with the power I choose.
I am thankful for the people I meet along the way
All to grow
Communication and love.
I am thankful for struggles and toughness
All to build
Tenacity and strength.
I am thankful for afternoon tea
To stop and be present
To good for me.
I am thankful for lunch and a movie
To feel the love with my child.
I am thankful for evening glory
To slow down my speed
And be here to receive.
As I close my eyes in the dark
I count my blessings.
With each ocean sound
I ...
50% Complete
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