Every symptom, craving, or behavior around food has a POSITIVE INTENTION. Therefore, these cravings and behaviors aren't the problem - they're simply the best solution you've come up with so far.
When things are tough, it's easy to turn to comfort foods for a quick mood boost. But the problem is, this creates a vicious cycle. We feel better for a short time, then experience guilt and weight gain.
What if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? It's all about knowing when it's time to change. I'm not asking for drastic changes - just small, manageable steps in the right direction.
Habit loop or health loop? The choice is yours.
It's a habit loop either way. So which loop do you choose: healthy patterns or distracting patterns? If you're committed and ready, the answer is obvious. Remember, your relationship with food and your body impacts more than just what you eat.
Let's dive into how to eat to generate positive emotions, not feed your emotions.
Step 1: Put on your curiosi...
Nadya here, to help you decide whether or not it’s time for a cleanse.
The body is designed to be self-cleaning and to excrete toxins, but here’s the problem…. It can’t always handle the toxic overload present in today’s environment. Chemicals not excreted accumulate in our fat cells and cell membranes become internal toxins. These toxins corrode the body from the inside out, making it harder to lose weight, have more energy or feel good in your body.
A cleanse is a gentle way of clearing excess toxins from the body so it can operate at it’s highest potential. Think of a cleanse as something that delivers an all access pass to boundless reserves of energy that you didn’t know you had! You’ll find that every part of your body works better simply by “switching on” your metabolism through cleansing.
My clients find that cleansing helps them:
• Shed excess weight (especially belly fat), from 5 to 7 lbs in 5 days
• Boost energy
• Feel lighter and...
Recently I have been reflecting on my teaching Own Your Health to Own Your Life. And today I want to reflect on making accountability fun. Accountability helps consistency, especially at early stages of a habit building, and making it fun keeps the game long-term. Our brain loooves reward and that's why making it fun about!Â
Let's dive! Â
ÂLife can be either a fun adventure or a miserable experience.Â
Accountability is a part of life. Therefore, we can treat it as either adventure with fun or experience with misery. It's really up to us.
When I first talk to my potential clients, I often hear how dreadful accountability is for them; though, they know that's exactly what they need to help stick to the journey and be consistent.Â
So, how do we make accountability not so dreadful and miserable? How do we make it as something we look forward to vs running away?
Before we jump in, do you know what you need an accountability for? What are your goals? What daily actions y...
Happy Sunday!
I'm closing out a celebratory three-month season with a final personal milestone: today marks 21 years since I came to the U.S.
Looking back,
my personal transformation stands out the most. I went from being a very shy child and young adult (still one to think before I speak!) to someone willing to speak up and confidently teaching others. In fact, I've gone from having limited knowledge of physical health to actively practicing, coaching, and training others. That's the power of practicing confidence, my friends!
Sure, I still get shy sometimes, and thoughts can creep in, but I don't let them rule me. I act my best, knowing this journey continuously shapes me into a confident and competent individual.
Another highlight is the tenacity I've developed.
I've fiercely (some might say ferociously!) grown my business from claiming my independence to now coaching others on wellness and business growth. I'm also building my team of wellness ambassadors so we can c...
Why some people just look happy and some just don't smile? Why while we may have the same living conditions, one person seems happy and the other is not? And in addition, the happier person kinda does look more successful in life in general - relationships, money, career success? What's different between two similar people?
What if the difference is how we choose to generate happiness moment by moment? I say:
Want it? Generate it!
What if happy people just built a habit generating happiness?
So what mistakes do we do that prevent us from happiness and tips to generate happiness habits:
Mistake 1. Ruminating in negative thoughts too long. Negative thoughts are good for us, for a short period of time. But when we take hours, days, weeks, even years, those thoughts become beliefs that don't serve us. Moreover, they underline our chronic stress condition.
I say, transformation is not about a change. It's about a choice. One step at a time. Choose happiness and peace.
We're constantly told to be strong, independent, and handle everything ourselves. But what if that's actually holding us back?
I can personally vouch for this. For years, I struggled with the "I can do it myself" mentality. But what if asking for help wasn't a sign of weakness, but of strength? What if being authentic and vulnerable is where true power lies?
Consider this: by asking for help, you can achieve your goals faster, more effectively, and with less burnout. Instead of a slow, frustrating journey filled with mistakes, isolation, and exhaustion, imagine feeling inspired and supported.
Let's be honest, none of us are truly exceptions. Even as I write this, I recognize areas where I still struggle to ask for help.
Here's the shift:
Asking for help is a sign of power and progress. Together, we can accomplish so much more, in less time, and with better results. This applies to everything from one-on-one situations to group settings.
My Challenge to You:
For the ne...
This powerful question sparks a fire in many of us, a yearning for a life filled with fulfillment, health, and deep connections. But before we chase that "everything," we need to take a step back and ask ourselves:Â Do we truly understand what we desire and why?
This blog post explores the idea that happiness isn't just about achieving a final destination, but about the journey of becoming who you want to be. It's a journey filled with self-discovery, continuous growth, and the creation of powerful systems that support your evolution.
Many of us believe happiness comes from external validation – that bigger bank accounts, stronger relationships, or a perfect physique will finally make us content. However, this pursuit often leads to frustration. The truth is, the journey of becoming holds the key to lasting happiness.
It's not...
Happy Sunday, {{ first_name }}!
In this huge world, it's easy to get trapped in a never-ending loop of to-dos and responsibilities. We get entangled with priorities, sometimes wondering how to prioritize them. We feel trapped, stuck, and want to find a way to do better.
On top of that, our health suffers. We neglect prioritizing self-care. Workouts get pushed to another day. Fast food becomes a convenient solution. We foster the habit of not eating on time, don't have time to cook or prep – the list goes on. Our health pays the price: overweight, stressed, and just surviving.
What If There Was a Solution?
What if you had a solution that fits your busy lifestyle? What if it gently reminded you of what's important? What if you took just a few minutes to reflect? What if you had a coach in your pocket?
A Time of Immense Challenge: My 2020
Back in 2020, I had one of the most difficult times of my life. COVID, personal lif...
I am often get asked how I stay in shape. It's true, I've never been overweight, but keeping a healthy weight requires mindful choices. Today, I want to share the 3 key pillars of my fitness routine that I also incorporate into my teaching.
Before diving in, it's important to acknowledge the mental aspect of fitness. Your "why" is your motivation, the reason you push yourself. Maybe it's keeping up with energetic kids, like mine! Whatever your reason, a strong "why" fuels your persistence and keeps you going.
We've all heard it before – nutrition is 80% of the battle, especially for weight loss (we'll delve into common weight loss mistakes next month, stay tuned!). Eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated, but it does require making conscious choices.
My fitness approach is built on three main elements, which interestingly mirror ...
Happy Earth Day! Today, let's celebrate the incredible planet that sustains us. It's the source of our air, water, and everything we need to thrive.
Thinking of Wellness in a New Light
Today's message takes a slightly different spin on wellness. Our well-being is deeply connected to the health of our planet. After all, our planet is our home, and a healthy home is essential for a healthy us!
Fun Tips for a Clean and Happy Home Environment
Here are some fun tips to keep your home environment clean and positive, inspired by a conversation with my friend and local realtor, Rockie Marvel.
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