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Three Rounds to Strengthen Your Heart


 Your heart is a muscle. Do your reps to build strength.

Let's talk about three rounds we all have to do to keep our hearts strong.

As a wellness and fitness coach who teaches mindset, nutrition, and fitness, I believe and teach that you must start with your own love for yourself before you nurture relationships with others. So, let's build two sessions: Session one is love through self-care. Session two is love through relationships with others.


Session one: Love through self-care.

We will have three rounds with fun sets! Let's go!

Round 1. Mindfulness. Love yourself.

  • Set 1. Morning Mirror Exercise: Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I love you," ten times. Give grace to yourself if it feels hard at the beginning.
  • Set 2. Afternoon Calm: Quiet your mind throughout the day. Practice mindful awareness of your senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). In the upcoming members training on February 28th, 3:30 PM CST, we will be covering these essential tools. 
  • Set 3. Eve...
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Three Powerful Lessons from My Course Creation Journey


  I want to share three valuable business lessons I learned while creating my Posture Mastery Course.

These lessons can help you achieve your goals, regardless of your industry or profession.


Lesson 1: It's Never Too Late

One of the biggest misconceptions is that it's too late to start something new. Let me tell you, that's simply not true. I became a fitness trainer at 42, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Remember, it's never too late to pursue your passions and make a difference. Just start small and take consistent steps towards your goals. Baby steps!


Lesson 2: Overcome Your Inner Critic

We all have that negative voice in our heads that doubts our abilities and holds us back. It's important to recognize this voice for what it is: a survival mechanism that's trying to protect us.

Instead of letting it hold you back, acknowledge its presence and choose to ignore it. Focus on your goals (there are just stepping-stones) and take action despite yo...

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What Your Posture Tells About You

fitness & movement Aug 17, 2024

 The way we carry ourselves speaks volumes before we even utter a word. Our posture is not just about how we look; it's a significant part of our non-verbal communication, influencing how confident, competent, and positive we appear to others.

Here are 7 essential tips drawn from expert advice on mastering your posture, each designed to enhance your personal and professional development.

1. Understand the Importance of Proper Posture:

Recognizing the crucial role posture plays in our lives is the first step. It's more than aesthetics; it's about how we present ourselves to the world. Good posture is aligned with confidence and positivity, affecting both our self-perception and how others perceive us.


2. Leverage First Impressions:

Your posture is a key player in the kind of first impression you leave. As soon as you step into a room, your posture is silently communicating your confidence and positivity. This makes mastering good posture essential for impactful non-verbal commu...

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Fitness On the Go: How to Stay Active in Busy Days

fitness & movement Aug 09, 2024

Today, I want to share some tips on how you can stay active and embrace fitness even during the busiest days - all it takes are tiny wins!

 (Apologies for a bad sound. My cell phone was on the computer. And the computer was making happy fan sounds. ;-)

Step 1. Intentional Posture and Movement

Whether you're standing in line, sitting for a meeting, or carrying heavy bags, be mindful of your posture. Good alignment supports your back and contributes to overall well-being. So, roll your shoulders back, engage your core, and stand tall - you'll be amazed at the positive impact it can have! Be intentional. Check out the Proper Posture Course to learn the details of proper postural alignment, functional movement and exercise safety.


Step 2. Stay Active by Embracing Tiny Steps

When time is limited, it's easy to feel discouraged and skip a workout altogether. However, remember that even small bursts of mindful activity matter. Something is always better than nothing! By taking a...

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Discover the Power of Proper Posture

fitness & movement Aug 04, 2024

By mastering proper posture and functional movement, you'll unlock a world of potential: increased strength, heightened body awareness, and newfound confidence.

These are the two most important non-negotiable habits of the fitness & movement pillar of health for a healthy and fit lifestyle.


Stop wasting money on gym memberships!

The fitness industry has misled us into believing that hitting the gym is the only path to wellness. Our ancestors were fit without gyms! They moved naturally through daily activities like hunting, gathering, and gardening. Read "The Blue Zones of Happiness" book. While some of these activities are still relevant, others aren't so much.

What can we do?


The Solution: Back to Basics!

Before diving into intense workouts, focus on building a strong foundation. These are the levels of developing movement as a habitual way of being vs. just a desired behavior we keep talking about it.


Hierarchy of Conscious Fitness:

Step 1. Move more: Cultivate cu...

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My Fitness Routine: How I Stay In Shape

fitness & movement Apr 30, 2024

I am often get asked how I stay in shape. It's true, I've never been overweight, but keeping a healthy weight requires mindful choices. Today, I want to share the 3 key pillars of my fitness routine that I also incorporate into my teaching.

Taking a Step Back: The Power of "Why"

Before diving in, it's important to acknowledge the mental aspect of fitness. Your "why" is your motivation, the reason you push yourself. Maybe it's keeping up with energetic kids, like mine! Whatever your reason, a strong "why" fuels your persistence and keeps you going.

Nutrition: You Are What You Eat

We've all heard it before – nutrition is 80% of the battle, especially for weight loss (we'll delve into common weight loss mistakes next month, stay tuned!). Eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated, but it does require making conscious choices.


The Three Pillars of My Fitness Routine (and the Conscious Fitness Flow)

My fitness approach is built on three main elements, which interestingly mirror ...

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What we get wrong about fitness

fitness & movement Apr 21, 2024


In Friends in Health group, I recently asked about the biggest struggles with fitness. The overwhelming response? "Consistency and scheduling it in."

We all know exercise makes us feel better, healthier, and happier. So why isn't it a non-negotiable part of our lives?


Here's the thing: we might be focusing on the wrong thing.

We immediately think of "formal fitness": scheduling gym time, driving there, working out – the classic image.


But what if I told you that if you haven't found consistency with formal fitness yet, it's because you've got it flipped?


Baby Steps: Awareness and Movement

Instead, begin with awareness and intentional movement. Simply by moving more throughout your day, you're on the right track.

Here are some ideas:

  • Park farther away and walk.
  • Take the longer route to the bathroom.
  • Use a standing desk (if possible).
  • Do "microwave circles" while waiting for your food.
  • Click here for more ideas about how to get your daily step goal.



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Hero's Journey - Meet Bob


 I want to introduce you to my dear friend and colleague, Bob. We'll see how he's using functional fitness and bodybuilding within my program to achieve his fitness goals as a 73-year-old in extra-ordinary health conditions. 


"I'm a 73-year-old man who values functioning at my highest potential. A pillar of my mental and physical fitness regimen is working out with Nadya, which I have done for the past five years.

What I appreciate the most about her training is her philosophy of whole-body, functional fitness which exercises all muscle systems in all planes of motion. The balance of cardio and strength training, with body weight and dumbbells, makes each new exercise session interesting and challenging. All the variety leads to optimal muscle confusion, and occasional enjoyable cognitive confusion as my brain processes the movements I'm asking it to do.

This has been the best physical training I have experienced in my life. I'd highly recommend it to everyone, but particularly...

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My Fitness Journey - Never Too Late


A Note of Inspiration

Today, I want to share my story: a story about overcoming self-doubt, embracing movement, and proving that it's truly never too late to start your fitness journey, or any journey for that matter.


My No-Fitness Background

Believe it or not, I wasn't always the fitness enthusiast I am today. In fact, gym class was my least favorite subject in school. Running felt like torture, and let's not even mention sit-ups! I remember dragging my feet to class and feeling discouraged.

Fast forward to my 40s, and things hadn't changed much. Then, a friend invited me on a Wednesday morning run. I was hesitant – 5 kilometers seemed like an impossible feat! After each run, my hips were hurting – the kind of pain no one wants to feel.

One day at the gym, I saw a sign for "leg day" classes. Perfect, I thought! This was the turning point. For the first time, I learned proper form – how to run correctly, how to avoid injuries, and how to truly engage my muscles and use gravit...

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10 Ideas to Hit Your Daily Step Goal

fitness & movement Nov 11, 2023

I have 10 ideas for us to hit your daily steps without struggling in the gym or taking a long walk!



  • Brush Teeth While Walking: Multitask by getting in some steps while you brush your teeth. 

At Work

  • Park Far: Whenever you go out, intentionally park your car a bit farther away from your destination. 
  • Walk and Talk: Make your phone calls or video chats more active by pacing around while you chat. 
  • Use a Stand-Up Desk: If you have the option, work at a stand-up desk to avoid sitting for too long. 
  • Hourly Movement Breaks: Set a reminder to get up and move around for a few minutes every hour. 
  • Take a Longer Route to the Bathroom: Don't choose the closest restroom; opt for one that requires a bit of a walk. 
  • Pick Up Things in the Office / House: Use tidying up as an opportunity to get extra steps in. 

At Home

  • Kitchen Circles: While waiting for something to cook in the microwave, make circles around your kitchen. 
  • Watch TV and Walk: Instead of being a c...
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